Cyber-Secure Backup

Create all your backup policies and strategies with the peace of mind of having clean, cyber-secured data. Restore your information with confidence and trust.

Complete Backup Features with the Security That You Need

Build your backup protection strategies with complete control and security. Make your first level of protection your most secure one.

Simple Interface, Including Security:

Create your backup protection and cybersecurity policies from the simple unified interface to guarantee that your data is stored securely.

Full Visibility:

Manage and monitor all backups, snapshots, and repositories from many locations in one simple panel.

User Experience:

We transform the user interface to bring simplicity to a powerful and secure Public Cloud.


Our solutions allow your business to create backup policies, snapshot strategies, and redundant environments without downtime.

Secure and Reliable Backup Solutions

Ensure the integrity and security of your data with our advanced cyber-secure backup solutions. Our platform allows you to create and manage backup policies and strategies with ease, giving you peace of mind that your data is protected and easily restorable.

Advanced Cybersecure Backup

Develop backup policies with the assurance of cyber-secured data integrity.

Comprehensive Control and Security

Build and manage your backup strategies with full control and robust security features.

Unified Management Interface

Simplify the creation of backup and security policies through an easy-to-use, unified interface.

Continuous Availability

Ensure uninterrupted business operations with our high-availability backup solutions.

Join Our Reseller Program and Take Your Business to the Next Level

Leverage growth opportunities with our market-leading IT solutions.

Your benefits:
What happens next?


We Schedule a call at your convenience


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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