VDI solution (virtual desktop infrastructure)

Perfect, safe and efficient experience!

  • A comprehensive VDI solution to effortlessly evolve into the digital workspace.
  • End-to-end security mechanisms provide maximum data security.
  • Integrated architecture ensures easy operations and maintenance.
  • Authentic and fluid user experience, like a PC or laptop.

What is Curiosity Cloud aDesk VDI?

Curiosity aDesk is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution that uses virtualization technology to migrate operating systems, applications, and data from traditional PCs to the data center for centralized hosting and management. A complete aDesk VDI appliance (server, hypervisor, thin client, controller, endpoint protection) is deployed in the data center and uses hyperconverged technology to integrate the server’s CPU, memory, and storage resources into virtual machines. The virtual desktop is then transmitted to the user’s access device in the form of an image, providing users with the same desktop environment as on PCs.

Why switch from traditional PCs to VDI?

Decentralized management and heavy operation and maintenance workload

Installation, updating and patching of traditional PC operating systems and software must be completed one by one. Furthermore, traditional PCs have a high failure rate and require on-site maintenance, which places a heavy burden on IT operations and maintenance staff and leads to low efficiency.

Does not support remote work

Desktops can only be used in fixed locations and laptops pose a risk of data leakage. As a result, traditional PCs cannot meet the portability and security requirements needed for remote work.

Risks of data loss and leakage

Data is stored locally on traditional PCs without backup. Once a drive is damaged or mistakenly deleted, the data will be lost permanently. Furthermore, there is a high risk of data leakage due to difficulties in managing and controlling peripherals, applications and the network.

High operating costs

According to Gartner, a PC’s operating costs represent 80% of its total cost, including management, power consumption, maintenance, and more. The life cycle of traditional PC hardware is about 5 years. Once the end of its life cycle has been reached, it must be replaced.

Benefits of VDI

Because virtual desktop data is unified and stored on back-end servers, VDI offers the following important benefits over traditional PCs.
  1. No data is stored on endpoints, providing a higher level of data security
  2. Virtual desktops run uniformly on the backend and can be maintained through a unified interface, thereby improving management and maintenance efficiency.
  3. As long as there is a network connection, users can use multiple devices to log in to a virtual desktop and work in the office anytime, anywhere.

Curiosity Cloud VDI Architecture

What Curiosity Cloud VDI Brings to the Table

  • Supports different types of work environments, whether remote or centralized.
  • Access from a thin client, PC, tablet or cell phone.
  • Deployed on demand and supports elastic expansion.
  • Proprietary HEDC and SRAP transmission protocols
  • Excellent compatibility with peripheral devices
  • Powerful vGPU solution powered by Nvidia
  • Better protection against malware, ransomware and APT, integration with Curiosity Cloud Endpoint Secure.
  • Provides protection against confidential data leaks.
  • Create multiple VM copies for disk protection.
  • A comprehensive solution with a simple, seamless architecture.
  • User self-service, easy to use and implement.
  • Centralized management of desktops, applications and virtualization.

Key Values

End-to-end security design

Data is stored centrally on back-end servers in multiple copies

Advanced transmission protocols ensure a seamless user experience

Virtual desktops must provide front-end devices over the network. Therefore, the protocol used to provide the writer’s image is especially important. To achieve efficient and stable delivery of virtual desktops, Curiosity Cloud developed the SRAP protocol specifically for virtual desktops and mobile applications. Sangfor’s SRAP protocol adopts multiple optimization technologies such as efficient data compression, intelligent data caching, and dynamic image optimization. The transmission efficiency is 6 times that of the RDP protocol, which ensures a seamless virtual office experience for users.

For desktop users with WAN access, Curiosity Cloud has developed the HEDC (High Efficiency Desktop Coding) protocol. Through detailed transmission channels, HEDC adapts to network conditions according to user experience. Even when the network is unstable or the bandwidth anchor is low, users can still enjoy a smooth and stable office experience. At the same time, the protocol has built-in SSL encryption technology, which improves writer access security and protects critical data.

Backend master data storage – simple cross-platform access for authorized users


CURIOSITY CLOUD aDESK For a secure everyday office
  • Rapid deployment and efficient desktop operation
  • Endpoint data protection
  • Reduce IT human resources costs, hardware replacements and electricity.
CURIOSITY CLOUD aDESK For mobile work or remote work from anywhere
  • Access virtual desktops using PC, tablet or cell phone
  • Smooth WAN user experience (latency <200 ms, packet loss rate <5%, bandwidth ≥100 Kb)
  • Multi-factor authentication for greater security
  • Data Leakage Protection (DLP)
CURIOSITY CLOUD aDESK For call centers/service rooms
  • Perfect compatibility with peripheral devices
  • Protection of customer information
  • Multiple users can work in one place with their own virtual machines
  • Low hardware failure rate
CURIOSITY CLOUD aDESK For student computer labs
  • Unified computer laboratory environment
  • Reduce PC operations and maintenance workload.
  • Learn at home with specific resources
  • Savings on professional software licensess
CURIOSITY CLOUD aDESK For production lines
  • Reduce business downtime and improve production efficiency
  • Management of the production environment.
  • Data protection (data leak, ransomware, disk error)
  • Up to 3 times the life cycle of traditional PCs
  • vGPU solution/GPU passthrough solution in collaboration with Nvidia
  • Savings on design software licenses
  • Design data protection
  • Unified 3D workspace management
  • Employee numbers are skyrocketing; annual increase of more than 1,000 employees in recent years.
  • The high rate of hardware damage caused low work efficiency and high maintenance costs.
  • High IT personnel costs.
  • Users need to work from home or outside, especially during the pandemic.
  • Risks of data leakage from R&D code.
  • User security risks.
VDI Solutions and Benefits
  • Pooling hardware resources reduces hardware waste.
  • Supports linear expansion, hardware usage rate increased by 10 times.
  • Set up a virtual desktop for new employees or an R&D test environment in 1 minute.
  • Requesting space and automatically maintaining personal information has reduced the number of IT issues.
  • Desktop IT Manager: Desktop User = 1:1800.
  • Network isolation and desktop isolation for research and development and office use.
  • USB monitoring, watermarking, screenshot protection and file export auditing prevent R&D data leakage.
  • Multiple copies to avoid data loss in case of disk failure; Security events decreased by 60%. I saved 60% on electricity
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